Established among some of Iowa’s most spectacular natural scenery, Keokuk is nestled along the bluffs where the Des Moines and Mississippi rivers meet. The iconic Lock and Dam #19 is a popular attraction, along with a perfect environment for nature enthusiasts to come and observe Bald Eagles during the winter months. During the Civil War, Keokuk served as an embarkation point for Federal troops leaving for war in the south. A national cemetery is located in the area.
Keokuk hosts 4 offices along with an office in Donnellson.
(319) 524-1684 (phone)
2015 Main St • Keokuk, IA 52632
Josh Brecount Broker • (319) 470-8485
Tamatha Elder (319) 795 4553
Lacy Ames (319) 795 0644
Elysia Mahoney (309) 337 0136
Lisa Cecil (319) 316-3067
Vandenberg Real Estate
(319) 520-1993
32942 270th St Farmington, Iowa 52626
Mollie Vandenberg (319) 520-1993
Bob Martin (319) 795-0524
Nathan Ames (319) 795-8644
Abby Sanchez (682) 593-1839
Weichert Realtors - The massimo group
(319) 524-9510 (phone)
(319) 524-9512 (fax)
804 Main St • Keokuk, IA 52632
Kelli Massimo Broker: (847) 702-7127
John Farrell • (319) 520-6633
Tammy Panther • (319) 795-1572
Donna Amandus (319) 470-4881
Jennifer Forbes (319) 528-8156
Phyllis Whitaker • (217) 357-2724
Sara Sargent • (309) 221-1874
Vicki Kelsey (847) 702-7127
Hailey Tweedy (319) 795-9166
Trevor Johnson (319) 795-9499
KL Real Estate, Inc
1235 Mulholland P O Box 340 Nauvoo, IL 62354
Kimberly Logan (319) 325-3852
Sandra Pence (540) 460 8873
Candy Berquam (319) 795-6478
Mary Richards (309) 333-6742
The People's real estate
(319) 524-2331 Phone
423 Main St
Keokuk, IA 52632
Vicki Briscoe (319) 520-7100
Rebecca Sowers (217) 257-5838
Jordan Leroy (319) 795-1356
Paul Westermeyer (319) 520-7004
John Filkins (309) 224-8996
Janice Filkins (319) 520-7536
Steven Siegrist (217) 256-3414
Celley Durr (319) 670-1966