(319) 524-1684 (phone)

2015 Main St • Keokuk, IA 52632


Josh Brecount Broker • (319) 470-8485
Tamatha Elder (319) 795 4553
Lacy Ames (319) 795 0644
Elysia Mahoney (309) 337 0136
Lisa Cecil (319) 316-3067

Vandenberg Real Estate

(319) 520-1993
32942 270th St Farmington, Iowa 52626

Mollie Vandenberg (319) 520-1993
Bob Martin (319) 795-0524
Nathan Ames (319) 795-8644
Abby Sanchez (682) 593-1839


Weichert Realtors - The massimo group

(319) 524-9510 (phone)
(319) 524-9512 (fax)

804 Main St • Keokuk, IA 52632


Kelli Massimo Broker: (847) 702-7127
John Farrell • (319) 520-6633
Tammy Panther • (319) 795-1572
Donna Amandus (319) 470-4881
Jennifer Forbes (319) 528-8156


Phyllis Whitaker • (217) 357-2724
Sara Sargent • (309) 221-1874
Vicki Kelsey (847) 702-7127
Hailey Tweedy (319) 795-9166
Trevor Johnson (319) 795-9499

KL Real Estate, Inc


1235 Mulholland P O Box 340 Nauvoo, IL 62354


Kimberly Logan (319) 325-3852
Sandra Pence (540) 460 8873
Candy Berquam (319) 795-6478
Mary Richards (309) 333-6742

The People's real estate

(319) 524-2331 Phone

423 Main St

Keokuk, IA 52632


Vicki Briscoe (319) 520-7100
Rebecca Sowers (217) 257-5838
Jordan Leroy (319) 795-1356
Paul Westermeyer (319) 520-7004
John Filkins (309) 224-8996
Janice Filkins (319) 520-7536
Steven Siegrist (217) 256-3414
Celley Durr (319) 670-1966